C B C   S c r a p b o o k
The Cyber-Scrapbook of Caloocan Bible Church #76 Lapu-Lapu St., Caloocan City, Philippines We’re on the lookout for CBC photos, old and new! If you’ve got some, we’d like to post it here. E-mail us at caloocanbiblechurch@hotmail.com |
Emily Pay-Porras and her family are residing in California. |
The Enriquez Family (L-R) Micah, Sonny, Jacob, Cecille, and Sarah are in Canada. Sonny works with International Aid, Cecille works part-time for Every Home for Christ. Jacob recently graduated from University of Waterloo, Sarah works as a physical therapist, and Micah studies computer science and wishes he could eat at Chowking again.
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Escaño are now living with their son, Arnold, and his family in Southern California. |
The Rice Family (L-R) Linda, Grandma, Julie, Susannah, Sarah, Jim, and Lisa are in the US. Jim is the principal of a Christian school.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rivero are with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. They are now in Mindanao, Philippines. |
Gene & Glo Veruasa are staff members of Navigators. They are ministering to high school students in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. |
The Zagala Family (L-R) April, Jazzie, Neil, and Jem are with the Network of International Christian Schools, Inc. in Singapore.
Pastor Jun & Novie Castro are in Dubai with their children Jamie & Jieo. Pastor Jun is the head pastor of an evangelical church of Filipinos there, while Novie is the head of the music department. |