C B C    S c r a p b o o k
The Cyber-Scrapbook of
Caloocan Bible Church
#76 Lapu-Lapu St., Caloocan City, Philippines

We’re on the lookout for CBC photos, old and new!
If you’ve got some, we’d like to post it here.
E-mail us at caloocanbiblechurch@hotmail.com

CBC Family
This is a partial, unsorted collection of photos of CBC members here and abroad.
Add to this growing collection by sending us photos of you and your family, and we'll post them here as well.

porras family Emily Pay-Porras and her family are residing in California.
The Enriquez Family (L-R) Micah, Sonny, Jacob, Cecille, and Sarah are in Canada. Sonny works with International Aid, Cecille works part-time for Every Home for Christ. Jacob recently graduated from University of Waterloo, Sarah works as a physical therapist, and Micah studies computer science and wishes he could eat at Chowking again.

enriquez family

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Escaño are now living with their son, Arnold, and his family in Southern California. escano
The Rice Family (L-R) Linda, Grandma, Julie, Susannah, Sarah, Jim, and Lisa are in the US. Jim is the principal of a Christian school.

rice family

rivero Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rivero are with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. They are now in Mindanao, Philippines.
Gene & Glo Veruasa are staff members of Navigators. They are ministering to high school students in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. veruasa
The Zagala Family (L-R) April, Jazzie, Neil, and Jem are with the Network of International Christian Schools, Inc. in Singapore.

zagala family

castro Pastor Jun & Novie Castro are in Dubai with their children Jamie & Jieo. Pastor Jun is the head pastor of an evangelical church of Filipinos there, while Novie is the head of the music department.

Click for more CBC Family members